Studies on mitochondria-targeted plastoquinones and the road from laboratory bench to the market

Vladimir Skulachev Targeting mitochondriaDuring the 8th World Congress on Targeting Mitochondria 2017, Prof. Vladimir Skulachev from Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia will presentation his studie on mitochondria-targeted plastoquinones and the road from laboratory bench to the market.

SkQ1 and other mitochondria-targeted plastoquinone derivatives are promising drug candidates for treatment of pathologies associated with mitochondrial dysfunction. Experiments in animals revealed that SkQ alleviates damage induced by ischemia-reperfusion injury, prevents autoimmune arthritis, suppresses the development of Alzheimer's disease signs, inhibits the development of ophthalmological disorders, including dry eye syndrome (DES), and has anti-inflammatory activity. The first SkQ-based drug (eye drops Visomitin) is already developed and registered in Russia; clinical studies of orally-administered drug is in progress.

During Targeting Mitochondria Congress, Prof. Skulachev will summarize recent experimental data on SkQ effects in animals, results of clinical trials and future perspectives of mitochondria-targeted antioxidants as therapeutic compounds.

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